Monday, September 24, 2007

A much needed change of color. Blues and oranges over smog and grey. The 798 gallery district was intriguing. Definitely walked on a glass roof over a gallery while in a rooftop cafe, and yes I hit my head on a tree. It really is all about me.
Also saw strange but fun land installations about tibet, and a guy who drank water from the yangtze river, from the ocean to somewhere far to the west. Then e crystallized is urine samples, should i continue. . .

Yes, I have been here. Did it feel real, no, not particularly. Did I want to ride my bike down the hillside, yes. Hope I was viewed by the russian space station, or is it now not in orbit; space is fake anyway.

This is the digital piece Wan Zi and I created. Not going to tell the meaning, only that it will most likely be different for everyone. The left part is photo that she created of people in her town/family and the right side are brush strokes that I made and then digitally transfered to the screen.

The great wall certainly has strange trolls which guard the passage ways. Luckily I fit in. Not to mention that I am big in japan.

Cant explain this, only that tis is a primary photo. Maybe this will influence my artistic style.

Maemph is international

Finally figured out how to post the photos i have been talking about. This photo is the piece which spells out china in sign language. Currently this style of mimming gets me no where.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do i fight the urge to buy a mountain bike and ride in the mountains of china. Do i continue to enjoy the artistic culture of china? Will i get away with this becuase it is better than rachel's? Will Kaitlyn continue to fight the joker. . .

tune in again same bat time same bat channel

Overall i have mostly focused my experiences in china based on how i feel and when i get to eat. This is ridiculous, the time is now to do what you want and have no regrets.

Having said this, being in china is just the way i pictured it, that lasts for 15 seconds. The people are extremely warm and caring especially up in the hills. Smile and you will be smiled back at. The experience of traveling to a different part of the world will not fully hit me until i return back to oregon and california and washington. The time will come when i no longer miss home and i miss the actions and reponses of china. So what does that mean, should i still think back to grade school and playing kick ball. Or should one focus on the similarities and differences of two cultures. Or not think at all and non voluntarily react. For now i will continue to smile and breathe the fresh air and wander what my life would be like if i was born in a different part of the globe.

Matt Warren is international.

Working with the students in jinan was confusing and at times frustrating. My opinion is that they were too accomodating of our ideas and not willing to test our thoughts. Other students did not feel this to be true, so i guess that is that. Attempting to communicate to other artists in a different language calls for patience and spontaneity. Not to mention the cultural implications brought on by certain images and compositional aesthetics.

Have no idea if the pictures are showing up. This photo was taken at the Temple of Heaven in beijing. Yes, i am giving shelter to the stone serpent. And yes i am wearing festive swim trunks. --having not used the keyboard in a while, my typing skills are waning-- The idea was that the everyone on the grounds had an umbrella over their heads? Was this blocking the interaction of the rains and the heavens, am still not sure. One aspect is that the Temple did not give protection to the ordinary visitors, or that the feeling is always surrounding us. Either way a cultural rift is present dictating my lack knowledge in eastern and western religion. The trip to the temples did not explain this rift, only that i was at peace and mesmerized by the water reflecting off of the dark blue tiles and stone coutyards.

Sometimes in Shanghai I would aimlessly wander the streets at 5am and take pictures of walls that had paint splattered over graffiti. The paint was generally small, only about 8 to 10 inches on a diagonal. This style started me thinking about layers of color as well as covering over ideas; beginning new ones. Now i have 30 or so pictures of these such scenes and am not sure if i will use the photos or start my own conglomerate of glob.
I could link this doing to the stacking of buildings in shaghai and my reaction to the overwhleming urban jungle, but i can't do that. This is because i hardly looked up, if you did, a gray atmosphere absorbed your emotions. The scenery definitely did bring color out of my palette. I could taste greens and reds and blues, and no0t till a few days ago did i actually swallow any.

Tried to upload an image of my project in jinan, might be on the main page though. The piece spells out C-H-I-N-A in sign language. It represents all of our attempts to communicate in a foreign language which none of us could verbally speak. Hints the use of hands as imaging communication.

Yes i have used this style before, mostly to extend the action of feeling with my fingerprints over a landscape. And i will continue to do so until something else comes my way.

Ahora mismo, i am in an internet cafe in tagon, sichuan. there are four native people in here, with tibetan clothes and they are trading turns playing video games on the internet. He just picked a purple lambourghini to race with. It was a beautiful bus ride to reach tagon from kanding. We saw the sunrise over large snow capped mountains and drove next to a rushing creek river for most of the ride. At one point we reached the top of the hills and were among tiny martian rocks and squishy grass.

The only downside was that the entire bus chain smoked about 350 cigarettes and for most of the ride it was too cold to open the window. But that adds to the experience, who knows china might make a smoker out of me yet.