Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I am not finished Yet

In talking about Norman McLaren. I began to notice that most art forms and technologies come from past techniques. I was curious if anybody had any ideas on hand drawn or sculpture techniques, where past influences played a role? Of course, past techniques influence new style, but the graphite pencil is still the graphite pencil with a wood casing. Clay pottery has employed a wheel and even a motorized wheel, but these transformations do not directly come from one person's dedication to their craft, such as in McLaren's case. I am not proclaiming that his style and ideas fed to the invention of digital animation, however if you view some of his films, you can definitely see the resemblance of technique.

I have become more and more fed up with digital animation. Especially with the mainstream studios. I have only viewed a few of these new animated films (ever since toy story) because I usually spend the first part of the movie trying to figure out what famous actor they have doing the voice over. That does seem like a petty reason not to see a film, but the animated films these days that are shown in movie theatres try to hard to wow with 500 million bit color and politiacl/social influences.

Again, the more I gripe the more I begin to understand that things change and people get tired of the same aesthetic. Because of this I will not sit on the couch and watch the next pointless movie that my roommate puts on. And maybe I will begin to lose all of the celebrity gossip that was enstilled in me at such a young age by watching television in the first place. TV should only be for fear and gross entertainment, like every show these days that portrays a murderer or child molestor or terrorist. Ripped from the headlines. I am 6 foot 2 inches and afraid to leave my house.


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